Do you know where your food comes from?

Check out these Farm to Table & Local Natural Companies

Knowing where our food is coming from is important. Sourcing local is one of the best ways to ensure that you are getting the freshest, best quality food for you and your family. When you support local farms, you can be assured of the highest quality. Animals that are raised with love and care by families committed to their well being translates to a better quality product for you and your family to consume.  

One of the aspects of nutritional coaching is encouraging clients to have a good understanding of where their food is coming from.

What everyone should be asking is -Where was this food item produced?

If the answer is likely "Factory", then one should think long and hard about the quality of that item to make sure that its the right fit for their bodies.  If the answer is "Local Farm", you will know you are on the right track and making great choices for you and your family's  health.

Sych Homestead

Raised right here in Alberta by the Sych Family who has been on this land for 120 years, our grass fed bison is some of the beat meat you can choose for your family.

One of our greatest lessons came with the realization  that producing delicious bison cannot be reduced to a single factor,  A web of relationships, over time, is required to achieve the best possible flavor-relationships between the animals, the landscape, the soil, the grass and the stewards who gently guide them.

Synergy Microfarms

At Synergy Microfarms we believe in providing the best possible product we can grow...and we want everyone to have access to nutrient dense, delish food to bring into their homes and enjoy!

Microgreens are incredibly nutrient dense and the added bonus is that they are a delicious addition to almost any dish.

Disclosure Statement

Disclosure Statement: I am affiliated with Synergy Microfarms (I own it) however I do not have an affiliation with Sych Homestead and I do not earn commission from them, I just really like their products!  Other affiliated links on this website are commission based.