Our Nutrition Services

Holistic Nutrition can help ease digestive disturbances & 
recognize food sensitivities & allergies.
The CHN is also  trained to assess and manage stress through nutritional support & lifestyle changes.
 as well as recognize multiple causes of inflammation. 

Be sure to check with your extended benefits providers as many plans cover nutritional services.

Bring your body back into balance.  Book an appointment today.

Initial Nutrition Assessment

C$125 In-person or Online/Video chat

In this assessment we take a symptom based approach, identifying areas of the body in need of rebalancing. Prior to your appointment, you will fill out forms which will then be the basis for the strategies employed to bring your body back into a state of equilibrium. These strategies will include nutritional support, helpful natural supplements, beneficial lifestyle recommendations to manage and/or reduce symptoms.

REBOOT 12 Week Package


One of the most popular packages, it includes initial assessment, 2 follow up appointments, weekly check ins and 3 -7 day meal plans. Click below to learn more.  This package is fully customized for your needs. Each program is specifically designed to target the most troublesome areas.

TOTAL 12 Week  Package


Nutrition and online fitness training combined to promote the best in potential benefits. Package includes the 12week REBOOT as well as 8 online training sessions.
This package is fully customized for your needs. Each program is specifically designed to target the most troublesome areas.

Fitness Programs & Classes

prices vary
packages available

Schedule a class in the comfort of your own home. Sessions will be designed to work with whatever equipment you have available.

The body is a feedback mechanism...

Our bodies have so much to tell us, if only we listen.   Experiencing uncomfortable symptoms is the way our body communicates to us that something is out of balance. 

By tuning in symptoms we can make corrections, bringing the body back into a state of alignment or equilibrium  necessary for health and longevity.