Tonya Card RMO, DOMP, C.H.N. PTS

Synergy Health & Performance began as a boutique fitness studio specializing in functional fitness and basic nutrition coaching. After 6 years of working in studio, the pandemic forced its closure in January of 2021. Since then all programming has been moved online and enhanced nutritional consultation and education is now offered as well.

As a young mom, I got thrown into the world of nutrition when my son was diagnosed with multiple severe food allergies at the age of 18 months. What started out as navigating though the waters of multiple pediatric immunologist appointments turned into a focus on the wellbeing and wellness of the whole family. A few years later, further diagnosis' of gluten sensitivities were identified, this time for not only my daughter, but for myself as well. While specific dietary challenges for the family seemed daunting at times, it drew my focus back to whole food based nutrition. We made a lot of foods from scratch, eliminated as much processed foods as possible and started enjoying the health benefits that followed.

This challenging time in our lives ultimately led to graduating with a diploma from the Canadian School of Holistic Nutrition in 2021, becoming certified in holistic nutrition so that with the knowledge gained through personal and professional experience others could be helped as well.

In 2023 I enrolled in the National Academy of Osteopathy and received my Diploma of Manual Osteopathy. Going back to my roots as a massage therapist, adding Manual Osteopathy to my practice will help my clients further  manage conditions such as chronic pain and inflammation.  As  Registered Manual Osteopath I hope to bring  an integrated approach to management of a variety of conditions. 

On the fitness front I began my fitness career in 1992 teaching step aerobics and weight training classes. I then trained and worked as a registered massage therapist specializing in sports injury & rehabilitation for 13 years, developing a strong knowledge base in anatomy, physiology and kinesiology. ​

In 2012, I recertified my fitness credentials with Can Fit Pro and have certificates in Personal Training, Nutrition & Weight Loss, Sports Medicine Fitness Specialist, TRX Suspension Training, Keiser Indoor Cycling, and TWIST Conditioning & Sports Performance. I am also a NCCP community level Triathlon coach and spent 8 years as a competitive/non-competitive swim coach. I have also served in the capacity of conditioning coach for 6 years in the local minor hockey program.

I have taken numerous seminars and continue professional upgrading yearly.   I am a registered member in good standing with College of Registered Manual Osteopaths, (CRMO), ACMA CAHN-Pro, CSNNA & Can Fit PRO.

Volunteering is important to me and as such I have spent many hours on volunteer committees for events such as the Queen of Hearts Triathlon and Fit for Motion half marathon. I love promote to healthy living within the community.​ I am also a triathlete, finishing over 14 races to date. I have also participated in the 200km 2013 Ride to Conquer Cancer and various other races and events. I enjoy hockey, swimming, cycling, hiking, paddle boarding & running as well as artistic endeavors such as piano, singing, drawing & painting.

So I asked myself a question… What can I share with people to help them live a healthier, happier life?

he path to health and wellness is so multifaceted. We sweat for hours I the gym, only to end up undoing everything later when we hit the pub for beer and wings or burn the candle at both ends. Stressing ourselves out, getting little to no sleep or we put ourselves last in line – ALL THE TIME.

How can we care for others, do everything on the to do list, and please the endless list of people who may not really care about our wellbeing? We can’t build a house without tools, equipment and supplies – or without the help of few extra hands. What makes us think we can help those around us if we don’t have the necessary tools and supplies ourselves? Why is it we are so eager to give our last shred of energy away? Will we feel validated, somehow more worthy of love and respect??

If we become the martyr, taking the bullet for someone else, do we become the Hero? Well maybe in the movies but in real life it gets us drained, feeling empty and well, dead. So how do we break up with martyrdom and move forward into self-centered, (yes, I said it) real self-love?? The only way we can really help anyone is by coming into our own power by helping ourselves first – not giving all our energy away. By doing this we set an example for others, we show them what tools they need to come into their own power as well rather than inadvertently taking it from another, depleting that other person in the process.

Something a friend told me recently really hit home for me about the care giver, the perpetual helper, the one who never says no… “Instead of being one of the moths fluttering around in the dark, searching for light – BE the Light, the steadying influence for others to look to, to be attracted to, the way-shower.” - Diane Quartley, Energy Interpreter. 

To make a long story short, I learned the answer to my question was – Focus on yourself, fix yourself first. Do your own work and don’t expect someone else to do it for you. Be the light, YOUR OWN LIGHT and in doing so, you’ll be able to show others how to find their own light. And – give yourself a damn break…you’re doing your best. -Tonya Card DOMP, C.H.N.