Tonya Card RMO, DOMP, CHN, PTS
Registered Manual Osteopath & Certified  in Holistic Nutrition 

Synergy Manual Osteopathy 

Synergy Health & Performance 

Osteopathy & Nutrition -
An Integrated Approach

Osteopathic care is grounded in philosophy created by Dr. A.T. Still  and has since been backed by many scientific studies. One such philosophy states that structure governs function.  If this is so, then it can be reasonably inferred that the quality of the structure is integral to good function. Sound nutrition provides the essential building blocks for the body. Without proper nutritional support, the necessary raw materials will be absent, and the structure remains lacking. Function is therefore affected. This makes up the basis for natural healing. The ability of the body to heal requires oxygen, nutrients, proper hydration, good digestion and effective filtration. The old saying “you are what you eat” has never been truer.

Manual Therapy for Chronic Pain

The practice of osteopathy is a gentle, non-invasive form of therapy that focuses on the realignment of the structures of the body without harsh manipulations. An osteopathy session includes methods such as joint mobilization, muscle energy technique, massage, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, visceral and craniosacral techniques. This type of therapy is suitable for all ages and a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions.  Manual Therapy Is especially effective for management of chronic pain but can be useful for many conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, TMJ dysfunction, repetitive strain injuries, whiplash and more.

The osteopathic philosophy as set out by the pioneer, Dr. Still is as follows:
1) The body is a unit.
2) Structure and function are interrelated.
3) The body is self-regulating.
4) The body is designed to defend and heal itself.
5) When the body’s ability to adapt is disrupted, the integrity of the internal environment is lost, and self-maintenance disintegrates.
6) Rational treatment is based on these principles. 

A manual osteopathic treatment is keeps all of these principles in mind to provide an effective, whole body approach to attaining wellness.

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About Holistic Nutrition

Holistic nutrition is a special combination of modern science and time-tested wisdom based on the philosophy that each person has unique nutritional requirements. These nutrition professionals recognize that the interactive mind-body-spirit factors are specific to each client and that each must be addressed in order for the client to feel and remain well. A Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant will evaluate their client’s nutritional needs by identifying symptoms that indicate health imbalances. Once these imbalances are identified, they then provide individualized health plans, which include meal plans with nutrient-dense whole foods, lifestyle recommendations and/or natural source supplements in order to help bring the client’s health back to a state of equilibrium. They assess their clients’ health through one-on-one consultations and focused questionnaires and then provide health and lifestyle recommendations that are tailored to the individual’s needs. Focusing on education, individual meal plans and recipes are created for our clients. Decoding food labels will help with optimal food choices. In addition, the ability to provide food shopping advice and information as well as cooking and food preparation strategies is an important asset in health management. We can also assess client’s stress, exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption, sleep, relaxation and overall lifestyle practices. Monitoring our clients’ progress towards their health goals will aid in success. Most importantly, holistic nutritional consultants encourage self-responsibility by empowering clients through personalized education and information. Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultants are conscientious and well informed about the connections between the environment, toxins, food production and preparation, and the resulting quality of food. They recommend whole foods that are natural, alive and good quality, and which support sustainable farming practices and a healthy environment. They may also recommend high-quality natural source vitamins and minerals available from health food stores. They encourage the use of non-toxic, environmentally friendly household and personal products. C.H.N.'s are educated on the functions of the digestive, immune and other whole-body systems. They are trained to recognize food intolerance and allergies, blood sugar fluctuations, and the multiple causes of inflammation, which are the source of many common health conditions. Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultants are first and foremost, educators in wellness and prevention. Their comprehensive training focuses on science, body functions and symptoms, whole foods and quality food production and processes, natural source supplements, healthy lifestyle practices, and the connections between the body, mind and spirit.

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Benefits Of Exercise

There are significant health risks to allowing oneself to become deconditioned. The negative side effects of lack of exercise are truly staggering. Weight issues, joint problems, cardiovascular health, diabetes, and mental health and a host of many other disease processes can all be affected by being out of shape. There are many significant benefits of exercise that are now really coming to the forefront that can contribute to the slowing down of some of these disease processes or ever reverse them all together. Some of the benefits of exercise include decreased pain, increased range of motion, elevated mood, stress reduction, increased function and increased strength, just to name a few. Strength training can have a major impact on conditions such as osteoarthritis.

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What We Offer

Looking for something more specific?  Got Questions?  Contact us and we can discuss the available options.   

Manual  Osteopathic Treatments

Nutritional Consultations

Inflammation Reduction  Programs

Meal Planning & Weight Loss

Products & Supplements

Fitness Programming

Functional Fitness

While Functional Training may seem like one of the current fitness “buzz” words, it has been widely used in many different avenues such as rehabilitation and sports performance training for many years. It has been gaining mainstream popularity because of the many benefits that it brings to everyday life.

What is it? Focusing on how the body naturally moves, functional training enhances muscle integration (whole body cooperation), requires stabilization of the body through various movement patterns, uses multi-planar movements (think spiral diagonal patterns), stimulates the brain as well as the body and its fun too!

Functional training utilizes simple, minimalist equipment and can be done almost anywhere, bringing a versatility to fitness that makes it easy to fit into a busy lifestyle. Our classes are functionally based to help enhance the bodies natural movements.  Fitness classes and Personal Training sessions are available online via ZOOM, or in person.  Call for more information or to register for classes.

Extended Health Benefits

Many insurance companies are recognizing the value of offering Manual Osteopathy and Nutritional Services to their employee health programs. Check with your insurance provider or plan administrator to see what may be covered.  Direct Billing is available for companies associated with Telus Health Eclaims. 


Here's what our clients have to say....


12 Week REBOOT Program

"When I started this program I was looking for something to help with the aches and pains of arthritis as well as curbing my sugar cravings.  I'm in week 7 and I can't believe how good I'm feeling.  I'm able to go up an down stairs normally again and the stiffness/body aches are virtually gone...AND I'm not craving sugar goodies either!  I didn't even raid the leftover candy after Halloween and that's unreal for me!!
One last thing, I've lost 10 pounds just by following the eating plan, what an added bonus!
So, thank you Tonya for helping me get back in control of my life.

I would definitely recommend this program."



"I have dealt with a variety of very sensitive digestive and food sensitivity issues for a very long time.  Upon completion of the questionnaire and consultation, Tonya  was able to pinpoint some of the issues likely aggravating my symptoms.  Her knowledge and ability to listen without judgment and then consequently clearly explain and make dietary and supplement recommendations has made my gut and inflammation issues settle down."



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The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Synergy Health & Performance and Synergy Manual Osteopathy. Please note that Synergy Health & Performance/Synergy Manual Osteopathy and/or Tonya Card is not a  registered dietitian, physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. The information on this website is NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified health care professional. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult with your primary care physician or licensed healthcare provider for all diagnosis and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications or medical advice as well as before changing your health care regimen.


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